This calculator app is extremely impressive. I have spent the last 8 years using the TI-89 almost exclusively. This calculator app may not have every single capability that my TI-89 has (it would be unrealistic to expect it to), but it comes close; I am shocked to see how similar the ranges of capabilities are between these two calculators. And the user interface on this calculator is so smooth and simple and intuitive that I have a hard time seeing myself lugging around that brick anymore.
I love the user-defined function option. However, this is also where my lone suggestion for improvement comes. Last night I created a rather complex function that required 4 arguments. When I go to the function screen and click on the question mark beside any of the pre-set functions, there is a handy description given for what each argument represents and what the function does. I did not see a way to add such a description to my user-defined function. I would like to be able to create my own description, explanation of arguments, example of the function in use, etc. This is really a pretty minor complaint, given how great the calculator is otherwise, and is certainly not enough to warrant less than 5 stars. Just a suggesting for a future update.
Math guy 26 about Symbolic Calculator, v1.8.5